Prostate Cancer - 3-D Diagnosis and Targeted Focal Therapy

International Program for 3-D Diagnosis & Therapy of Prostate Cancer

Patricia A DeVore, BS

Director of Grants Administration & Regulatory Affairs

Clinical Research Coordinator

Senior Professional Research Assistant



Colorado State University (1982)

Major: Zoology Minor: Statistics


Ms DeVore has over 25 years experience in health services, health policy, and clinical research at the University of Colorado Denver. She joined the Section of Urologic Oncology in 2005.

Patricia A DeVore, BS
Patricia A. DeVore, BS


Ms. DeVore is involved in the implementation, management, and administration of multiple government-funded and industry sponsored protocols for the genitourinary clinical research program. She is responsible for budget preparation and negotiation, HIPAA and IRB regulatory compliance, scientific advisory and hospital submissions, and Grant/Contract processing.


Contact Information:

University of Colorado Denver
School of Medicine

Department of Radiation Oncology

Section of Urologic Oncology

Mail Stop F-710

Anschutz Cancer Pavilion

1665 Aurora Court, Suite 1004

Aurora, CO 80045-0510


Tel: (720) 848-1386

Fax: (720) 848-1390



PUBLICATIONS:   Journal Articles in Pub Med (