Prostate Cancer - 3-D Diagnosis and Targeted Focal Therapy

International Program for 3-D Diagnosis & Therapy of Prostate Cancer


Prostate cancer is the most frequent cancer among males after skin cancer. However, many men diagnosed with prostate cancer are at a low risk of ever having prostate cancer to cause noticeable problems. This is apparent when comparing the number of men diagnosed with prostate cancer (roughly 192,000) with the number of men that die from prostate cancer (about 27,000). A common misconception is that treatment is responsible for the enormous number of men NOT dying from prostate cancer, but this is most often due to the slow growing nature of prostate cancer. Most men die WITH prostate cancer and not FROM it. As researchers and clinicians, we recognize this and have the philosophy that side effects of treatments should be minimized or eliminated. This is why we strive for more accurate diagnosis staging including mapping biopsies and offer targeted treatments to select patients so they do not experience the side effects of radical prostate gland treatments.


Some men at low risk of developing problems from prostate cancer might prefer a period of close observation during which they enjoy their normal life, but elect treatment at a time when the cancer seems to be worsening. “Active surveillance” is a reasonable alternative for these men with very small chances of having the cancer escape prior to treatment. Studies show that the risk of death due to prostate cancer for appropriately selected patients is around 1% at 5 to 10 years. With mapping biopsies and newer available markers that we are testing, we feel we can properly identify patients appropriate for watchful waiting. Our program includes regular examinations with blood and urine testing as well as scheduled repeat prostate biopsies. Attention is paid to lifestyle changes including recommendations for diet and physical activity. We collaborate with providers of alternative medical therapies to offer holistic health care. We are currently examining certain medicines that might be able to prevent worsening of prostate cancer in patients on active surveillance.


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(Last Edition: July 21, 2019)


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