Prostate Cancer - 3-D Diagnosis and Targeted Focal Therapy

International Program for 3-D Diagnosis & Therapy of Prostate Cancer



Preventative and Follow-Up Care Areas


Diet and lifestyle - For patients who are exploring targeted focal therapy, we are working on a number of dietary agents that may help slow down or prevent the emergence of new cancers. Our initial research with the polyphenolic antioxidant Silibin, demonstrated that while it was a promising agent in rodent test systems, humans did not metabolize the product in the same way and it is unlikely that it will be of benefit unless significant chemical modifications are made. We are now testing grape seed extracts and legume products to see if they offer some advantages. We also have a number of trials testing new hormonal agents, vaccines, and chemotherapies that show real promise and could eventually provide new options for patients with early but high risk disease.


Pomegranate and Soy products - May be valuable tools in preventing or delaying the return of cancerous prostate cells after focal therapy.


Dutasteride – Can this drug help to reduce the original tumor burden or perhaps minimize the return of prostate cancer? We are investigating these possibilities.


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(Last Edition: November 13, 2015)